Project Partner
INTERMEZZO is a local, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and members.
Its members are interested in world issues, localisation, culture, European awareness, minorities, youth policies and social obstacles. Intermezzo does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion, national, ethnic or social origin.
Intermezzo Youth organisation is in Drammen. We work for social development of young people in Drammen. Aims of the organisation are;
- To create opportunity for young people to recognise their problems and to initiate for solutions of the problems.
- To facilitate active participation of young people in decision making process,
- To improve the young people's social development and vocational skills.
- To encourage young people in the region, work as an initiator about social issues.
- To unite and integrate the interest and support the development of the integration in country;
- To influence the development of society and to defend the rights of immigrants;
- To support immigrants, entrepreneurs and unemployed people;
- To support immigrants and Norwegian in establishment of international contacts with foreign projects and other organizations;
- To protect Intermezzo’s members interests in the country and abroad;
- To support of social integration and personal realization;
To support to people with disabilities, migrants;
Intermezzo Ungdomsorganisasjon promotes European integration and develops contacts and cooperation between nations. We develop the social, educational, cultural and sports activities to create an active participation in European citizenship.
Intermezzo Ungdom wants to acquire some experiences in European projects by participating in Erasmus+, to improve skills necessary to help stakeholders. We believe that having experience in partnership our organization could get knowledge of good practices and work methods to manage better in social-educational field.The most of members of Intermezzo Ungdom are immigrants and are very active in local and international level.The organization achieves targets by participation and development of: training courses, workshops, events, meetings, cultural exchanges, information points. Organization performs activities with young and adults.
Our organisation has good lots of experience and have done lots of activities for youth in Drammen and Norway. Most of our members are immigrant with fewer opportunities. It was very hard to come to new country and start everything from ZERO. Intermezzo has been meeting place for immigrants and ethnic Norwegian. Our local, national and international projects’ results indicated that our organisation plays different roles in the different stages in their life. To being part of our organisation allows for legitimate peripheral participation when the immigrants move from observing at a distance to more active participation. Organisation functions as a high intensive as well as a low intensive meeting place and seems to contribute to building social capital in a variety of ways.